Founded in 1974, Studio Cirillo is a multidisciplinary professional firm, dedicated to architectural design, urban planning and enviromental studies, leaded by its founder, Beniamino Cirillo, and more recently, by Michele Cirillo, both architects.
The main fields of activity are:
The Studio is able to offer all kind of professional services in the field of designing, from preliminary analysis and feasibility studies to the final architectural and engineering project. In the same way, the Studio can manage every kind of urban and territorial planning, from general town size (or wide area size) to detailed quarter developement. StaffThe workteam is composed by different and complementary professional skills, with five architects, three engineers, three other collaborators for CAD or DTP services. When necessary, the Studio asks the collaboration of other qualified consultant in Italy and abroad. Instruments and technologiesThe Studio is equipped with a complete set of instruments and ITC devices for architectural and urban design activities able to guarantee an high professional level in project documentation in the whole life-cycle of the project.
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Main Clients and PartnersDuring the last fifteen years, Studio Cirillo collaborated with several firms and important public authorities:
Parco Scientifico Tecnopolis Novus Ortus Conferenza Episcopale Italiana Comune di Sannicandro